Could Maui Shell be the next big thing in the Linux world?

Linux has struggled to gain traction with the average user because of its perceived difficulty to use and maintain. But, with the advent of Maui Shell and its intuitive graphical interface, this could soon be changing—and not just for the Linux diehards, but also everyone else who uses their computer on a daily basis. Could Maui Shell be the future of the Linux desktop? Let’s take a look at some of its features and find out!
What is Maui shell
Maui Shell is a new open-source shell developed by CodeWeavers for Microsoft Windows and MacOS that sports cross-platform support. It provides multiple tabbed document interfaces, is written entirely in Python 3 and has no external dependencies. Some of its more impressive features include PowerShell like command line autocompletion and being able to use graphical apps from a terminal emulator such as Wine to get around limitations of particular programs.
Where does it come from
In their latest release, the MATE desktop has replaced Cinnamon. At its core, MATE is a fork of what we all remember as GNOME 2. One of the interesting things about MATE is that it has never had to upgrade anything to keep up with what’s new or changed on a long-term basis. That could make it a very appealing option for people who just want to get work done and don’t care about having flashy features.
How does it look like
Maui is a shell program which offers new ways to interact with desktop environments such as KDE and Gnome. Similar to Windows 10 and Ubuntu Unity, Maui comes with a dock on the left-hand side of the screen which gives users instant access to apps. But unlike those two programs, which are closed source, this open-source program offers customization that Ubuntu or Windows can’t provide.
Will it take over the world?
More people are gradually discovering how they can use MShell, and while it is still unclear if this is something that will become as popular as Unity or not, one thing is certain – more and more developers are interested in helping out with its development. That’s because it is open-source and very lightweight, making it perfect for resource-restricted systems of odisha discom.
MShell has been discovered by a wider audience thanks to a recent post on Reddit which mentioned its existence.
How do I use it
Maui is developed as a desktop shell, which functions similar to what you would see on any standard operating system. The traditional interface of windows, icons, and menus is preserved. A time-saver can be found by utilizing hotkeys that provide quick access to your commonly used programs and shortcuts.
Similar to other shells Maui lets you place programs anywhere on your desktop and scroll through open windows with ease.
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Is there anything else?
It provides multiple tabbed document interfaces, is written entirely in Python 3 and has no external dependencies. Some of its more impressive features include PowerShell like command line autocompletion and being able to use graphical apps from a terminal emulator such as Wine to get around limitations of particular programs.