The 5 Types of Business Etiquette You Need to Know

The 5 Types of Business Etiquette You Need to Know
Business etiquette can be difficult to navigate, and you never know when you’ll need to use it! As an employee or employer, it’s your job to make sure that your professionalism stands out as the best in the room. This means knowing what type of business etiquette to utilize in different situations — whether you’re in the boardroom, presenting your company’s vision to new investors, or meeting with clients face-to-face. There are five types of business etiquette that you should know so that you can use them in the right way at the right time.
1) Introductions
Meeting someone new can be nerve-wracking, especially when it’s for business purposes. Will you say the right thing? Will you make a good impression? These questions can all be alleviated by following proper business etiquette protocol. Here are five types of business etiquette you should know before meeting with a colleague or client:
What should I wear? –
When dressing for a business setting, it is important to take into account who your audience will be and how conservative they might dress. Some people may prefer a more formal outfit such as slacks and jacket while others may enjoy wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Dressing up does not necessarily mean wearing a suit and tie, but taking care to dress nicely for the situation is essential. A nice way to figure out what type of attire you need is to imagine yourself at work in your favorite clothing: would you feel confident walking into that environment in that outfit? If not, change something about your clothes so that they feel professional.
2) Meeting and greeting
When you first meet someone, extend your hand for a handshake while making eye contact and smile. Be sure to introduce yourself and say something about how you know the person or why you’re meeting. For example, It’s nice to meet you, Jane. I’m Alex Smith and we’re both in the XYZ Association. If you’re being introduced to someone, stand up if you can and repeat the other person’s name back to them. Make an effort to remember it for future reference. Always ask permission before you take photos of people at work events, on public transportation, or anywhere else they might not want their picture taken. And when you’re out with co-workers after hours, be mindful that what is acceptable behavior during the day may not be so at night and vice versa.
If you’re hosting a work event: Your goal as host is to make guests feel welcome so that they’ll have a good time.
3) When you meet people for the first time
When you meet someone for the first time, it’s important to make a good impression. Here are five business etiquette tips that will help you do just that
1) Use their name and ask how they’re doing: Starting off with how are you? is always a good idea because it shows them that you care about them.
2) Wait until they offer their hand before shaking: If someone offers their hand to shake, then extend your hand as well and shake theirs firmly. Be sure not to grip too hard or too soft when shaking hands; keep your handshake professional and strong enough so they know you mean business!
4) Meetings
Whether you’re attending a meeting or hosting one, there are certain etiquette rules you should follow. First, be on time. This shows respect for the other attendees and shows that you value their time. Second, turn off your phone and any other electronic devices so you’re not distracted and can give your full attention to the discussion. Third, be an active listener and avoid side conversations. Fourth, make sure your questions are relevant and concise. Fifth, be respectful of different opinions. And finally, don’t forget to say thank you to the host or organizer before leaving.
5) Conclusion
- First and foremost, be respectful. This includes being respectful of others’ time, cultures, and beliefs.
- Secondly, be professional. This means dressing appropriately, being punctual, and keeping a positive attitude.
- Third, be a good listener. Active listening shows that you care about others and their ideas.
- Fourth, be considerate. This includes being aware of others’ needs and feelings and taking them into account when making decisions.
- Fifth, be tactful. This means being able to diplomatically handle difficult situations and relationships.
- Sixth, have integrity. This means being honest and having strong moral principles that guide your actions.