7 Preventive Tips to Keep Your Roof Safe from Hail Damage

Hailstorms can damage roof tiles, causing dents, chips, and shattering. They can also damage gutters and downspouts, making a roof replacement and repair necessary.
What’s more, protecting your home from hail damage is important for maintaining the strength and structural integrity of your building.
In this blog post, we’re going to shed light on some of the most crucial preventive tips that will help you save your home’s roof from hail damage. So, let’s enumerate them one by one.
1. Go for Installing Impact-Resistant Roof Shingles
As your home’s roof is susceptible to severe and hard-to-recover damages during a hail storm, investing in impact-resistant types of shingles to install can offer ultimate roofing and property protection.
These types of shingles are specifically designed to endure adverse weather conditions such as torrential rain, powerful winds, and hail storms. So, when it comes to hail damage roof repair, you should invest in impact-resistant roof shingles to install in addition to other repairs.
2. Strengthen Your Roof
As reinforcement can help increase protection against hailstorms, adding a layer of asphalt-fiberglass composite and other materials to your roof is the best move. This will provide extra defense against hail and ensure your roof’s safety in any weather conditions.
This added layer will help absorb most of the shock incurred by large hailstones and minimize the chances of your roof damaging.
3. Consider Trimming Trees & Shrubs Around the Roof
Trees are the best shade and comfort providers. But, in some cases, they can damage your roof, such as during a storm.
Trees with overgrown branches can look like umbrellas, sending large hailstones directly to your home’s roof. To prevent this situation, it’s advisable to trim trees or shrubs regularly around your house.
4. Be Sure to Inspect & Update Your Sidings
Inspecting and updating your home’s siding is also essential if you want to make your roof functional. Damaged or loose siding is more prone to hail damage during hailstorms.
If they seem to be cracking, you must consider on-the-spot replacements. Always choose siding made of fiber cement, which is known for its exceptional durability and resistance to hail.
5. Think About Steep-Sloped Roofs
Roofs with a steep pitch provide better protection from hail and strong winds. Thanks to their steep slope, they are manufactured so that rain, snow, and even large hailstones can easily slide down the roof instead of accumulating on it.
6. Replace Your Roofing System Regularly
You must replace your roofing system every 15 to 20 years. Doing so will ensure that your home’s roof is in pristine condition and ready to withstand all types of weather.
If your roof got damaged from a recent hailstorm, consult with your local roofing contractor so that you can get a professional inspection done.
7. Invest in FM Approved Skylights
Consider investing in mounting FM-approved skylights on your home’s roof if you intend to improve its energy efficiency. These skylights are specially designed to keep your home safe and protected from hail and powerful winds while also letting natural light inside.
Wrapping It Up
You must take the necessary precautions to protect your home and family from potential hazards, as hail storms are the most common cause of roof damage.
A premium-quality roofing system can assist in reducing hail damage and keeping your home safe once you invest your time and resources in it ahead of time.